Our New SB-2M Design!

New SB-2M Design
New SB-2M Design

You asked. We listened.

We are excited to introduce our new SB-2M design with a probe clamp designed for additional structural support.

We admit, our previous model wasn’t perfect. The sheet metal of the sample box would flex and bend if not properly used. As a response, we thought we would improve the design! The taller probe clamp uses the entire height of the sample box to create greater stability and a more rigid hold between the sample box, the probe clamp, and the probe. No more broken glassware!

New SB-2M Clamp
New PC-1-SB-2M Clamp
Old SB-2M Design
Old SB-2M Design

The new probe clamp is designed to easily retro-fit older models of the SB-2M Sample Box with minor modifications.

Call an Apex Instruments Representative today for more details.